Genevieve Scored Top Marks In Her GCSE Fine Art
Talented Art Scholar, Genevieve Slater-Tucker has been recognised as one of the highest performers in her GCSE Fine Art exam.
Now in the Lower Sixth, Genevieve was delighted to recently discover that she had scored one of the best results in the country in the OCR exam board’s GCSE Art and Design: Fine Art qualification.
Genevieve said: “I was amazed and very proud to hear I had done so well. I have always enjoyed art and worked really hard on the development of my GCSE assessed pieces. The news was unexpected, and I am really thrilled.”
College Head of Art, Paul Hubball, commented: “We are so proud of Genevieve, it was a delight to receive this news. We have had comments from the Moderators before but nothing in writing. It isn’t easy to achieve top marks, but her work is innovative, skilful and complex and worthy of this recognition.”
To mark her success, Mr Hubball presented Genevieve with a special certificate in her Art lesson just before half term.
Genevieve is pictured here with one of her paintings, That Living Mystic Tree inspired and named after the line in the Rossetti poem The Blessed Damozel.