{"The Princethorpe Foundation": {"id": 1,"link": "https://www.theprincethorpefoundation.co.uk/","color": "#222222","newsSrc": "/news/?pid=11&nid=5","storiesSrc": "/news/?pid=11&nid=7"}}
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Training To Become A Teacher

Thinking of becoming a teacher? Then why not consider training at Princethorpe College.

Whether you are a new graduate or contemplating a career change, we have opportunities available across the subjects but particularly for those with a degree relating to STEAM. 

Through our association with the Lion Alliance, we offer a year’s training as part of the School Led Route, leading to Qualified Teacher Status. Placements would be at Princethorpe and also at other schools within the Lion Alliance. Our training via Lion Alliance is supported by Warwick University. 

Teacher training at Princethorpe is a popular and successful part of the school. Over the last five years, we have trained over 50 teachers.

Bursaries from the government of between £10,000 and £28,000 are available to support those training in Art and Design, Biology, Chemistry, Computing, Design Technology, English, Geography, Maths, Modern Foreign Languages, Musics, Physics and Religious Studies.

Our Assistant Head for Teaching and Learning, Dr Liz Pyne is happy to offer advice about the different routes into teaching and what Princethorpe can offer you. Please email: lizpyne@princethorpe.co.uk

Further information about the Lion Alliance can be found here: www.thelionalliance.co.uk

Information about Getting into Teaching and possible bursaries can be found here: https://getintoteaching.education.gov.uk/