{"The Princethorpe Foundation": {"id": 1,"link": "https://www.theprincethorpefoundation.co.uk/","color": "#222222","newsSrc": "/news/?pid=11&nid=5","storiesSrc": "/news/?pid=11&nid=7"}}
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The Foundation is very fortunate to have a dedicated Board of Trustees, with a wealth of knowledge and experience across a variety of sectors including education, business, and law.

They give very generously of their time and are focused on acting in the very best interests of the Foundation.

From time to time we look to recruit new members to the Board of Trustees, if you would be interested in finding out more about this please visit the 'Join Us' page by clicking here or email foundationoffice@princethorpe.co.uk for an informal discussion.

What is it like being a Trustee? 


Liz Griffin - Chair

I have been Chair of Trustees for the past seven years and sadly am about to come to the end of my tenure.

Part of the pleasure of this role is feeling very much part of a team with the other Trustees and with the executive. The trustees are a diverse group and through our varied talents, skills and expertise we are able to work together effectively for the good governance of the Foundation and most importantly for the benefit of the pupils.

When candidates are considering joining the Board of Trustees, we look at where we think they will best fit given their background and experience and place them in committees accordingly, although as part of their induction all trustees are invited to visit all the committees to get a full picture.

We are all volunteers, and we are mindful of that when organising committee meetings and do our best to be flexible and accommodating. Meetings are well organised, and trustees receive paperwork well in advance, so they can ask pertinent questions of the executive.

I find the executive to be very good to work with, always dynamic and ambitious for the Foundation and transparent with the trustees. That honesty is critical to us working together successfully.

Lastly there is a welcome social aspect to the role, each committee meets three times a year and the governing body as a whole four times a year, so we spend a good amount of time together and get to know our fellow trustees well.


Rowland Johnson

I joined as a trustee back in May 2023, prior to that I had been Chair of the Development Board, lending a hand with the fundraising side of the organisation. My very first understanding of the Foundation however was as a parent, all four of my children have attended Crackley Hall and Princethorpe, two of them still attend the College.

Prior to my personal involvement I had very much seen the Foundation through the lens of my children and their experiences, but I must say now having had a greater insight into how the organisation is run, I have been blown away by how professional, business like and strategic it is. Independent education is certainly no sleepy back water.

I have felt really welcomed by my fellow trustees and the senior team, the atmosphere is very collaborative, and you are really encouraged to get involved as much as you are able. I serve on the IT and Finance Committees and the Sustainability Board, reflecting my business background, skills and interests.

With the IT Committee I am currently focused on a review of the relevance of AI to the Foundation and how this can best be harnessed to positive effect. It is great to be involved in some cutting-edge thinking and to feel like I am making a real impact. I can really say it is a privilege to play my part in supporting an organisation that I really believe in.


Jatinder Birdi

My first encounter with Princethorpe was actually on the cricket pitch when I attended North Leamington School, there was a friendly rivalry between both schools, and I remember the matches fondly.

A couple of decades later and my wife and I were looking for a senior school for our eldest daughter. We live locally and for us Princethorpe was the only school we seriously considered, as we were looking for an all-round education for her, and subsequently her younger sister.

I am a self-employed accountant and tax specialist. Over the years I have found that working for myself gives me the flexibility to get involved and support a wide range of charitable organisations, something that is central to my faith and important to me.

Towards the end of my second daughter’s time at the College, I was approached by Ed Hester, the then Headmaster, to see if I would be interested in joining the Board of Trustees. The timing was perfect as I was just coming to the end of another trusteeship and had the time to devote to it.

That was three years ago and now I Chair the Governance Committee and am a member of both the Finance and Education Committees. As a Board we have very positive relationships, I find my fellow trustees to be very engaged, we are well supported and able to have open and honest discussions. Crucially providing the best education for the pupils is at the heart of every decision we make.