Daily travel to and from school, currently accounts for a sizeable percentage of our carbon footprint, so our aim is to promote and encourage sustainable travel options for pupils, parents and staff.
At Princethorpe College, around 60% of pupils are regular bus users, reducing the number of cars on the roads. A comprehensive bus service brings pupils into the College from a wide area, with routes providing 360o cover. For more information, please visit our dedicated bus website here.
For those who do come by car, we encourage ‘no idling’ on the school site to minimise air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
Transport surveys have allowed us to estimate that the overall carbon footprint due to travel to/from school in 2023 was 885 tonnes of CO2. This equates to 0.65 tonnes of CO2 per pupil over the course of the year.
The total carbon footprint of regular bus users is roughly 30 tonnes of CO2 per year less than regular car users.
- A 10% swing from car users to buses would reduce the carbon footprint by roughly 75 tonnes of CO2 per year.
- Lift-sharing would have a big effect on reducing the overall carbon footprint.
- Our community is already moving away from diesel (35%) and petrol engines (36%) towards electric and hybrid cars (29%).
We already provide cycle parking on our sites and offer an incentivised Cycle to Work scheme for members of staff. We have embarked on a programme to replace some Estates vehicles with electric vehicles. We plan to install electric charging points, initially at Princethorpe.
Some Parents’ Evenings and meetings have also moved online where appropriate, further reducing travel to and from school sites.
We will publish a Travel Plan which has sustainability, practicality, flexibility and well-being as its cornerstones.